Maths Support
Welcome back!
Hope you all managed to have some semblance of a break over Easter and are ready to complete some activities! I am super proud of how well many of you are keeping up with your learning during this tricky time.
If you decided not to complete any work over the holidays then please look at the last two Maths Support blog posts and have a go at these activities, as you will still be able to access the resources.
Everyone else, I would like you to focus on your times tables this week! Times tables can be a bit of a 'use it or lose it' skill so it's very important to keep practising!
Twinkl has a great video with top tips for learning times tables. If you need a login, remember you can set up a free account using the access code UKTWINKLHELPS
Children in Jellyfish class should all be working on their 2s, 5s and 10s including division.
Here are some ideas for how you can stay on top of your tables:
Online games - There are lots of free games online to help children learn their tables. I would recommend the topmarks website ( Year 2 children can also access Times Tables Rockstars.
Make a poster - Make a colourful poster for each times table, then stick them up somewhere you can see them everyday.
Time yourself - See how long it takes to you to write out your times tables, then try to beat that score the next day. You could also see how far you get in 1 minute and try to write more the next day.
Practice tests - Practice makes perfect! Get an adult to write out some questions for you to try. You could even write some for yourself and then answer them the next day! If you prefer to get questions online, I would use You can choose which times tables to practice, how many questions and whether to include division
Songs - There are hundreds of songs on Youtube you can sing along to. Jellyfish class are big fans of BBC Supermovers, which help children learn while also staying active
Hopefully that gives you plenty to be getting on with! Little and often is key to this skill so I would highly encourage children to do times tables activities daily going forward, even if it's just 2 minutes of practice during breakfast!
Have a great week and please send through any work or pictures :)