Our New Home Learning Map!
We hope our new Home Learning Map gives you an overview of the week ahead and lets you pick and choose activities from our resources. We have put all links and resources below for you so they are all in one place for you to delve into during the week.
So .......We were having so much fun with Supertato that we thought we would carry on!
This time the vegetables are getting sporty. Miss Robinson will be pleased about that!
Watch the video below to hear the story. This man is very good at using his story telling voice to get into the different characters!
So at some point this week could you make your own Veggie race? We know a family who have already had a go at this. Apparently the grown ups got very competitive! Not enough sport on TV obviously!
Check out the White Rose Maths website for more Supertato inspired activities bringing in lots of Maths.
Click here to be taken to their website resources. Here is just one of them.
For our writing task this week......Help start writing off by making a story map.
Here is an example that a grown up did from our story last week. Together could you create a simple version of this story map for one of our stories this week?
Half way through the week why not introduce another Supertato story called Carnival Catastro...Pea.
We chose this story as we would have been talking to the children about VE day this week at school.
We also like to explore different vocaublary and we would have discussed that a Carnival is a big celebration. Another type of celebration is a Street or Garden Party. There is going to be a 'Stay at home' garden party all over Keyworth on Friday and we thought Supertato would like to celebrate and thank all of the Superheroes that helped to get Victory in Europe on VE day.
In this Supertato story Evil Pea is trying to spoil all of the fun with his colour sucking machine. He has turned everything black and white!
At this point it might be interesting to talk about a photo taken on VE day of children enjoying their VE Street Party. No.... Evil Pea has not sucked all of the colour out of the photo. Perhaps you could talk about how photo's have not always been in colour?
We have attached a colour by number Union Jack Flag for the children to colour or paint so they can have it for their Garden Party too!
Our number of the week is an especially big number!
Keep checking in and adding to your Tapestry Learning Journals. This is where we will add sounds of the week and reading activities . We are looking forward to seeing all of your photos and videos this week which we will post on Wednesday and Friday!
You can also post your questions on Tapestry too if something is puzzling you or you want advice. Alternatively you can email us on our class emails.
Last week most of the parent's at some point let us know that their children were struggling one way or another with the Lockdown. As we are so isolated from each other at the moment it is easy to think it is just you who are finding it hard. Rest assured you are not alone. We are all just muddling through and trying to get the right balance along the way! If ever it feels like you are trying to do too much just take your foot of the pedal and focus on doing one thing together that your child really enjoys. The activities that we post are just there if you need them.
Have a great week
From all of the Foundation Team.