The Sea Lions do Home Learning and Happy Half-Term! #week 7
What have the Sea Lions been up to this week?
Hello Sea Lion class,
I just wanted to say it has been a pleasure to receive so many lovely pieces of work/pictures this half-term and you have all worked incredibly hard over the past few weeks. I am so proud of you all and you now deserve a rest and time to enjoy the half-term holiday. Please find your home learning certificate to print off! Due to it being half-term next week home learning mats and learning set will resume until June 1st.
However, if you would like to send your pictures to me over the holidays please do and I'd be more than happy to receive them!
On a slight tangent, many children took part in trying a new recipe this week and it turns out you're all brilliant bakers! It's so lovely to see that some of you are learning a new skill! Also many of you have taken such an interest in our new topic 'tremors' which is fantastic!
Well done to everyone who has been logging onto DoodleMaths, MyMaths and Reading Eggs this week. I know many children are finding it hard to motivate themselves and you are showing true resilience but just remember to try your best in the forthcoming weeks!
Doodle Maths Superstars who have logged on nearly everyday: Charlie, Evie, Connor, Georgia, Harry, Kosta, Louis, Reece and Yahia. You're doing a fantastic job!
MyMaths Superstars : I have noticed so many of you are logging into this which is fantastic! Special shout out to Yahia, Georgia, Louis, Evie, Harry and Charlie who have been working extra hard this week!
I will be continuing to add more mymaths activities for you to do at your own pace and check in on how you are all doing next week.
Reading Eggs: Lots of children have been loving reading eggs recently: Harry, Charlie, Yahia, Louis, Connor and Reece you are logging on lots and doing amazing! Remember if you would like to find out more information about this app please see one of my previous blog posts called 'what is reading eggs?'.
Take care and sending lots of positivity,
As always please feel free to email me if you have any worries or questions.
I miss you all lots and I hope you have a lovely restful half-term,
Miss Fowell xx