We have been getting the Meadow Classroom ready for a fresh start!
We have been in the classroom today getting it all ready for a fresh new start. A few things moved around and new areas developed. We are so looking forward to seeing some familiar faces ..... and lots of new ones too.
We are now able to be one big 'bubble' so we can make good use of all of the Foundation room together again.
We are hoping to make a "Family Tree" in a corner of our room so it would be lovely if you could send in a photo of your family to hang on that tree. Then over the next couple of weeks we could ask one child at a time to get their photo from the tree and tell us all about their family. You can either bring the photo in during the first few days, we can scan it in and get the original one back to you. Or you can send in a copy via our meadow class email.
We will be sending out a newsletter in the first week to let you know about all of the exciting things we are going to find out about this term. To start off with though we are going to be learning all about.......
"The Meadow".
We are going to be spending the next two weeks settling all of the children back into school as well as welcoming our new children and helping them to adjust to this new environment. We are going to be spending lots of time playing games with the children. reading stories, exploring the school and just getting to know each other. We will be introducing them gently to some of the new routines ensuring they are comfortable and confident to join in and ask for help when they need it.
After the initial couple of weeks we will start to jump into some structured activities and asking our "Big Questions" We use these questions to set the children off with challenges and and introduce new experiences which help to develop enquiring minds. Our first "Big Question " will be .....
"Why do leaves go crispy?"
From Monday 7th September
There are obviously still some restrictions that we have to adhere to and one of those is drop off and pick up times and organisation. We are still not allowing any adults other than staff members into the playground area of the Foundation unit. So in the morning parents are asked to wait outside on the pathway next to the Foundation fence.
Drop off routine.
Mrs Lindley will come out to the gate at the top of the Foundation playground to collect a few F2/Reception children at a time from 8:55 until 9:00am
The F2 children have a new cloakroom area and a member of staff will guide the children with the new routine for coats, book bags, lunch boxes and drinks..
Could any F1 parents please stand back or arrive a little later so that it does not get congested and social distancing is adhered to for adult safety.
Mrs Boon will then come out and collect a few F1 children at a time from the same gate from 9:00 until 9:10am
The F1 children have their own cloakroom now and have a peg each that has been lowered so that they can all have a good go at hanging their coats up independently. We will have a member of staff here to assist them should they need help.
Pick up times.
This is slightly different as the F2 children will be dismissed directly out of the Fire Exit door in the corner of their carpeted area. Could parents please wait 2 metres apart and we will let the children out one at a time.
Mrs Boon will bring the F1 children out to the same playground gate as used in the morning.
That's it for now but watch this space for lots more information coming your way.
See you soon.
Our Foundation team this year has lots of helpers at various times of the week.
Mrs Boon, Mrs Gibaldi,
Mrs Lindley, Mrs Gerrard and Mrs James
Miss Waugh, Miss Robinson and Miss Swinscoe.