Welcome to Snowdrops class!
Hello new Year 4s!
I hope you all had a lovely summer and are looking forward to coming back to school.
I just wanted to introduce you to your new classroom and let you know few things about how school is running this year.
We will be using the Rainbow Rules to remind us what we need to do to keep safe.
You will have your own pack of stationary which you will keep in your tray and your tray will stay on your desk during the day. Your PE kit will be kept on your peg as normal and your coat can be kept on the back of your chair. If you have a packed lunch, this can be kept under your table and don't forget to bring your water bottle, this can be kept on your desk.
The classroom is spaced into paired seating and everyone will be facing the front and distanced from other tables.
We have a lovely reading area which has a seaside theme. We can't have any cosy cushions or blankets because we have to be able to clean everything easily but it is still a calm and quiet space to enjoy a book.
Once you have finished reading a book, it will go into 'book quarantine' to make sure it is safe and clean before another child borrows it.
I am really excited to be your teacher for year 4 and I know it will be a fantastic year!
Enjoy your final weekend of the summer and I will see you on Monday!
Mrs Hill