Using Seesaw for homework

Information about seesaw
Last week I gave the children all their passwords that they will need for the various websites we will use for homework this year (Mymaths, doodlemaths, doodlespell, doodleenglish). These passwords will be in the back of their home/school diaries.
Today I handed out their Seesaw passwords. The children have a 12 letter code to log in to SeeSaw, but they also have a QR code that they can scan on the app to gain access to their accounts. I have also given out instruction sheets for SeeSaw, which contain a different password and QR code.
I have uploaded an activity to SeeSaw to check that the children can access the app/website. The children can add their work as a photo, video or note this week, and I would like everyone to login by Friday so I know they are able to login. If school were to see a closure this is the app we we will be using for home learning.
Click this video to find out more:
How to log in:
If you do have any questions about logins or seesaw please contact me using my class email address: