Topic - The Uk and London
Our topic this term is all about our capital city - London!
Over the past few weeks we have been learning a lot about where we live and the four countries of the UK and now we are ready to move on to capital cities.
During half term, it would be great if Year One could consolidate their learning about the UK, and begin exploring facts about London. Here are some ideas for home learning:
- Find out about famous London landmarks and draw a picture of your favourite
-Colour and label a map of the UK (resource below). Can you remember any facts about each country such as the flag, national flower, national animal or capital city?
- Find out some facts about Queen Elizabeth II. You could also draw or paint a portrait of the queen
- Use boxes, lego or bricks to make a famous London building such as Big Ben or Buckingham Palace
- Has anyone in your family been to London? Have a chat with them about what is was like and what they saw
- Read or listen to some books set in London. Some of my recommendations are
Katie in London, The Queen's Hat, Payton goes to London, The New Royal Baby, The Queen's knickers, Paddington at the Palace Many of these stories are read aloud of YouTube
I love seeing what you get up to at home so please add any pictures or videos of your work to the journal section on Seesaw.