Welcome back Sweet peas!

Hello Sweet Peas,
I hope you have all had a wonderful, restful half-term break and enjoyed time with your families.
We will be continuing with our 'Mighty Metals' topic and looking at magnets, forces and how things work! (please see letter below for more information).
Just a few important reminders for the upcoming week:
Spellings will be given out termly and children will be tested every Friday (please see your child’s relevant Year groups spellings attached). Spellings will also be added to doodlespell for your children to practice weekly and in home school books. I will be testing the children on week 6 on the first week back.
PE days are: Tuesday and Wednesday- please ensure your child brings the correct kit.
Homework – Doodlemaths (children need to be earning at least 50 stars a week to improve their Maths Knowledge and skills but, also to win the Doodle Golden Star!) Doodlespell and reading with your child at least three times a week (we are working towards completing the bronze award).
Please ensure that reading books and home/school books are in school every day.
Seesaw- There will be a new activity and announcement every week and children must log in to see these. Seesaw will be the learning platform we will use if we were to go into lockdown so it is important we are familiar with this app. If you are unsure about using seesaw or need support please email me: sweetpeas-class@keyworth.notts.sch.uk
There other resources to use such as Doodle English and readings eggs which are fantastic resources to support learning in the classroom. There is also optional topic homework based on ‘mighty metals’ for your child to access (details attached).
I can't wait to see you all soon!
Miss Fowell