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How can I support my child this year?

A few reminders to get your year off to a brilliant start!


I just wanted  to create a separate blog on a few reminders  to ensure your child hits the ground running this year!

  • Phonics reading books will be changed on a Monday but children can change non-phonics books independently if they finish the book earlier.  Books should be kept in a school book bag to protect the books and these book bags will fit in their individual drawer in the classroom.
  • Reading is incredibly important to your child's progress. Children must be reading at least 3 x a week and this should then be recorded in their home school books. Attending reading lair (Monday – Friday) at 8:30am in the school's dining room is great opportunity to do this. To find out more please read this  blog.
  • We are now working towards our bronze reading awarded. When your child has read a book please sign this off at the back of their home/school books.
  • It is also an expectation for children to remain in their green zone on both doodlemaths and doodlespell if you need support with this please let me know.
  • We have PE on a Wednesday and a Thursday (swimming) We are encouraging the children to take responsibility for their own kit. please make sure all items are labelled. This also applies to their general school uniform.

As there is now a statutory Y4 times table test in June, it’s imperative your child continues to practise their tables up to 12x12 and the corresponding inverse e.g. 144 ÷ 12. More information to follow later in the term regarding this.


If you have any questions, please come and ask,

Kind regards

Miss Fowell