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DoodleTables- Year 4

Doodletables support!



I've had a few Year 4 parents ask 'how do I unlock timetables? if they have mastered certain ones and want to practice these again'

Here's some information from doodletables which you can do:

'Once your child has mastered all of their times tables, they'll all become unlocked. This means that they'll be able to freely access them to practice and retain their knowledge.

To lock or unlock particular tables, please follow the steps below:

When the child is logged into DoodleTables, tap the Doodle icon in the top-left of the screen. Tap > Settings > Work Programme (you will need to enter your parent password) > Restricted Tables.

Once you tap on this, you'll then be able to tap on each times tables and choose whether to lock or unlock it.'


I hope this helps, if you have any questions please catch me on the front playground.