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Designing a new playground!

The School Council has been very busy this half-term and one of their priorities was to discuss a new design for the front playground. There were loads of fabulous ideas provided from children across the school including:

-A sensory trail through our existing woodland area (like the one in the music garden at Rushcliffe Country Park).

-A big interactive play castle for the children to climb, role-play in, slide down and enjoy. The children would like it to have a moat which runs around the perimeter and a bridge to cross over it. They also would like it to have our school logo on a shield on the front. 

-Another important feature was the scooter highway where children can scoot around, playing close attention to the pedestrian crossing and traffic lights. They also (very sensibly) suggested a scooter storage shed. 

-Lots of colourful playground markings like snakes and ladders, hopscotch, dance spots, etc. 


After collecting all the ideas from the School Council, a group of our Year 6 girls illustrated the vision and presented it to Mrs Ephraim-from the Friends of KPNS- in assembly. The Friends are now going to meet with various companies to see if our playground design is a realistic vision which we can aim to fundraise towards.