This week we are continuing to find out about Africa! We will be pretending to go on safari and seeing what animals we can spot. Check out Andy's safari adventure to see what animals we might see!
We will be sharing lots of lovely African stories including 'We're Going on a Lion Hunt'
We will be reading 'Tinga Tinga tales' - an African story of how the elephant got his trunk! Check out this animated version...
The children are trying so hard with their reading and their writing, huge thank you for everyone supporting this at home. Check out these Read, Write, Inc videos to help children embed sounds they are finding particularly tricky. This week it is special friends 'ch' and 'ng'. Special friends are sets of letters that make one sound. In this case, two letters that make one sound. As always, we love seeing your reading at home and your lovely writing that comes into school!
RWI video speedy sounds - 'ch'
For our F1 children, check out this Fred Talk video to help with blending sounds together:
In maths, we are continuing our White Rose topic of 'To 20 and beyond' see last week's blog for more information. Check out this helicopter game to help children consolidate numbers to 20 (selecting numbers 0-20).
We will also be exploring capacity and experimenting with which bottles can hold the most water for our safari trip! Have a look at this NRICH activity that you could do at home.