We are continuing our 'Big Wide World' topic... We will be exploring how everyone around the world is unique and that is what makes the world such a special place! We will be sharing different stories that celebrate diversity and exploring different cultures and communities from around the world.
Have a listen to this lovely book 'One World Together'- Where would you like to visit in the world?
We will be talking about how we are all wonderfully unique... Have a listen to this story, you could then have a go at one of the home learning challenges attached to the blog post below. As always, we'd love to see what you get up to on Tapestry or bring your creations into school.
The children are trying so hard with their reading and their writing, huge thank you for everyone supporting this at home. Check out these Read, Write, Inc videos to help children embed sounds they are finding particularly tricky. This week it is special friends 'sh' and 'th'. Special friends are sets of letters that make one sound. In this case, two letters that make one sound. As always, we love seeing your reading at home and your lovely writing that comes into school!
Have a look at some of these writing ideas for children to apply their phonics skills at home.
For the children in F1, can you blend together what Fred is saying in this Fred talk video.
In Nursery next week, the children will be focusing on their voice sounds and the different sounds they can make. Here are some activities that you could try at home.
We are starting our White Rose topic on First, Then and Now and solving number problems (see Handa's surprise blog post for more information on White Rose topic breakdown).
Here are some ideas you could try at home linked to our topic.
This is also a great game, if the children are feeling up to a tricky problem-solving challenge!