17th November
Happy Friday Everyone.
Firstly, a big thank you for supporting Children in Need today. The children all look amazing!
This week, we've been busy writing our own report texts about an imaginary creature. The children have begun to design their final creature linked to a biome of their choice. We have a range of elves and sprites including a Coral Sprite and a Temperate Forest Elf! Next week, the children will be writing their texts linked to their creations.
In maths, we've completed our first multiplication unit and have moved onto fractions. Please encourage your children to practise their Times Tables as this is vital to them succeeding with fractions.
We've also done some lovely work linked to anti-bullying week. We explored the acronym STOP and its meaning (Several Times On Purpose). The children have created a wonderful piece of collaborative art using hands, which is now displayed in the classroom.
Homework is now live on Doodle Learning. I have set the same spellings as last week as the test results this week were a little patchy.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Melanie Harris