Internet Safety and Children's Mental Health Week
We've made it to half term!
This week has been a very busy one for Hawking Class. Following our Tudor Day, we have focused on E-Safety and, this morning, on Mental Health and wellbeing.
For Internet Safety Day, we had lots of discussion around cyberbullying and how to chat safely online. We revisited the acronym SMART (Safe, Meeting, Accepting, Reliable, Tell). As their end task, the children worked to create their own SMART Poster. Please take time to discuss SMART with your child.
For Children's Mental Health Week, we discussed how we could make positive affirmations of ourselves. The children chose ones that were important to them and wrote them onto a strip of paper which we then made into a Positive Paper chain. They also made a corner bookmark which they decorated and will be bringing home with them tonight.
A little bit of housekeeping. Doodles have been set for half term week and there is still an expectation that the children read at least 3 times during the week. Please support us by encouraging your child to do a few Doodles daily rather than in one big block.
I hope you have a wonderful and restful half term.
Mrs Harris