Happy Friday!
Well done for getting to Friday.
Hawking Class have had a busy week this week. We've spent time pouring over Ordnance Survey Maps of the area around Keyworth, searching for farms as part of our Farming Topic. We found lots! Then we looked at the topography to try and work out what type of farms they were. Ask your child about pastoral farming, arable farming and mixed farming: they know lots!
In Science, we've looked at the terms soluble and insoluble and experimented with solids and water to find out which were solids soluble and which weren't. Ask your children which solids dissolved and which didn't.
A huge well done to all of the children for managing to stay quiet in the mornings whilst Year 6 did their SATs tests. They were all my Golden Eggs this week.
Speaking of SATs, the spotlight now turns to Hawking Class as they get themselves ready for Year 6. It is now even more important that everyone does their Doodles at home. Doodles are set every Friday and it is a school expectation that children stay in the green zone. It would be lovely for those children that always do their Doodles if everyone in the class tried to stay in the green zone.
A reminder that PE is on Monday and children must bring a complete PE kit to change into, or they will not be allowed to participate. This is for hygiene reasons - especially as we are approaching the warmer weather - as we would like the classroom to remain fragrant!
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Harris