What have we been doing in Ali Class?
What have we been doing in Ali Class?
Last week, Ali Class had the opportunity to showcase their facts about Muhammad Ali in our Year 3 class assembly. The children worked incredibly hard learning their lines as well as performing to an audience! The children were determined to show their reading skills and were incredibly brave standing in front of the whole school! They were absolute SUPERSTARS!
Some of our children most recently have contributed to some fantastic sporting events outside of school, and they should be so proud of their teamwork! They also represented our School beautifully! Well done!
In Maths, for the past two weeks we completed our fractions unit, and we have moved onto our new unit money. The children have been learning the value of different coins and notes, converted pounds to pence and subtracted/added money. There are some fantastic activities to do on doodle maths to help support your child in class.
In Science, we have been learning about roots of a plant, we went outside and did some weeding! We looked at their roots up close using a magnifying glass and sketched these. We also wrote about the purpose of roots. This week we completed a fun experiment with white Carnations and food colouring, we learnt about how water travels through a plant. We returned to the classroom the next day and the white carnations had turned blue!
We have learnt about the artist David Hockney, looked at his famous landscape paintings and next week we will be exploring painting techniques in preparation for our final piece.
In Geography, we have learnt about world-famous rivers and their uses, we focused on the River Nile, Amazon and Ganges. We also learnt about human effects upon rivers such as: over fishing, urbanisation and over fishing. The children contributed great ideas to our discussion!
Amazon River River Ganges
Homework Expectations:
As the year progresses, it is now even more important that everyone does their Doodles at home. Doodles are set every week, and it is a school expectation that children stay in the green zone. It would be lovely for those children that always do their Doodles if everyone in the class tried to stay in the green zone.
Reading at least 3 x a week is also crucial for your child to make even greater progress in school.
If you require support or need help please let us know, we'd be more than happy to provide guidance where needed.