Happy May Bank Holiday!
We've made it to half term, and the sun has come out in time for us all to enjoy a well-earned rest.
Hawking Class have had a busy term and have learned lots about farming - both here in the UK and around Keyworth and wider afield in South America and the United States.
Next term, our topic focus turns to Ancient Egypt and the "Awful Egyptians" for History. In Science, we will be looking at "Animals Including Humans" - a Biology topic which focusses on the human life cycle (please see my last blog about JIGSAW for more information on the content that we will be covering). More information about other curriculum areas will be in my next blog at the start of Summer 2.
Swimming has now finished so the children will need PE kits as usual on Mondays, but now also on Thursdays. Can I please remind you that a PE kit is a complete change of clothing. We are now in the Summer Term, and for health and hygiene reasons, the children will not be allowed to participate in PE lessons unless they have a kit (T-shirt and shorts - no strappy tops please) to change into.
As always, I have set Doodles to keep our learning "ticking over". This should only mean 10- 15 minutes of time every day plus a little bit of reading.
Finally, please take time to read Mrs King's blog about the end of year performance - The Jungle Book. It has information about costumes for each year group as well as performance dates. If your child has come home with a script today, please wait for costume information as they have a speaking part!
Have a wonderful half term in the sunshine.
Mrs Harris