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Awful Egyptians

Welcome back to the final term of the academic year.

This half term our topic is Awful Egyptians. As part of this topic, we will be looking at the following questions:

  • Who were the Ancient Egyptians and when did they live?
  • What discovery did Howard Carter make and how did that teach us about the Ancient Egyptians?
  • How did different groups contribute to the achievements of Ancient Egyptian society?
  • Who were some of the most famous pharaohs in Ancient Egypt? What did we learn from them?
  • How did the Ancient Egyptians prepare bodies for the afterlife?
  • What did the Ancient Egyptians believe about life after death?
  • How did the Ancient Egyptians contribute to our lives today?

As part of this, I have booked Partake History to do an Egyptian Day for us. They will be visiting us on Friday 14th July.  During this day the children will:

  • Re-create the scents and aromas of Ancient Egypt
  • Investigate and handle artefacts used in mummification
  • Discover the clothing and makeup of an Egyptian princess
  • Dress up and take part in a stunning and atmospheric ‘burial ceremony’ where the story unfolds through the use of costume, narration, mime, music, dance and drama

In order to contribute towards the cost of the visit, the cost to you will be £12. Please pay the £12 on Eduspot (link below) by Wednesday 12th July.

If your child would like to come to school dressed as an Ancient Egyptian they are more than welcome to but there is no pressure.

Science and Jigsaw this term focuses on Relationship and Sex Education the content of which I published in a previous blog. Please note that the statutory elements will be taught within our Science lessons.

Attached to this blog is our curriculum overview for your information. which contains details of everything that we will be covering this term.


A reminder that our PE days remain Monday and Thursday and that your child needs to bring a complete kit to change into. This is for hygiene reasons - we would all like our classroom to remain fresh and fragrant!

Homework expectations remain the same:

  • Stay in the Green Zone on Doodle Maths and Doodle Spell
  • Practise your times tables on Doodle Tables.
  • Read at home (or come to Reading Lair) at least 3 times a week.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Mrs Harris