Sports clubs this term.....
New sports clubs for this half-term, it was great to see so many children booked on our sports clubs last term, therefore Miss Robinson would like to add more to KPNS. Please click the link under the sports club you would like to sign up for. Children who have already been to Athletics club/sports clubs can re-sign back up. Thank you for your continued support. A text message will be sent by the end of the week to confirm your child place in the club.
More information following Miss Robinsons Athletics Academy.
Each child will receive their own booklet, this is for them to keep a record of their own personal best scores each week. After the six week block they can take it home.
Monday - Athletics club for years 1,2,3 15:30-17:00pm £18 six week block
Tuesday-Athletics club for years 4,5,6 15:30-17:00pm £18 six week block
Wednesday Football club on the field 15:30-16:20pm (Free)
Thursday- (Event days)
Friday - Multi sports club 15:30-16:15pm (Free)