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This week we will be exploring the big idea questions:

  • Can I talk about my day? 
  • What happened today? 
  • What is happening tomorrow? 
  • What happened yesterday? 

We will be sharing the story 'One Year With Kipper' to help us talk about time, as well as looking at calendars and talking about what we have done in the past and what we plan on doing in the future - helping children to understand the tricky concept of time!



  • Does anybody play an instrument or know anyone that plays an instrument that could come and play to our Nursery (F1) children? It will really help bring our 'instrumental sounds' in phonics to life. Please let a member of staff know if you can/know anybody that can ðŸ˜Š 
  • (F2) huge well done to all of those children that have received their Bronze reading awards! We have passed a list on to Mrs King). Keep practising those speedy sounds, scanning those QR codes and sharing stories together at home,