Year 5 - Autumn 1 Key Information

Welcome to Autumn Term and Taylor Swift Class!
Welcome back to the Autumn term and welcome to Year 5! It was lovely to welcome the children back into school and to their new class today. They were all super enthusiastic and vary keen to show that they are ready to learn and take on new challenges! Below, is all the information that you should need about this first half term.
What are the expectations in Year 5?
- To follow the Keyworth Code and our class rules.
- To read at least 3 times a week at home (or in Reading Lair) and for home-school books to be signed every week. Reading Lair is a great option for Year 5 because children can come on their own. It opens at 8.30am every day.
- For children to remain in their green zone on Doodle maths and Doodle spell (this is approximately 10 minutes every day). The children can find their new passwords and logins in the front of their home school book and Doodles have already been set which link to the maths and spelling we are covering in class.
- There is an optional Doodle tables and I set tables to practise every week. Whilst children are not required to do this, multiplication underpins almost 75% of the maths curriculum in Year Five and it is vital that they are fluent in all their times tables - all the way from 1x1 to 12x12!
- For children to take part in the Bronze Reading challenge (this can be found at the back of your child’s home-school book).
- Check the class blog regularly to see what we’re doing in school.
When are the PE days this half term?
PE sessions are with Miss Robinson and Mrs Wales on Monday and Friday afternoons. PE kit is a red T-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls or trainers. It is important their kits are labelled and brought in on Monday, so that your child can take part in these activities.
What will my child be learning about this half term?
Our topic for the first half term is Down the Mines which explores the coal mining industry (whose history is local to Keyworth) from its beginnings in the Roman era to its ending at the end of the last century.
Additional to our topic, we will be covering Materials and their Properties in Science; Place Value and Addition and Subtraction in Maths; and learning a new Talk 4 Writing text entitled Clock Close. A curriculum map to highlight all the areas we will be covering this half term is attached to this blog along with knowledge organisers for history and science.
Our Class Text
Our class text this term is The Nowhere Emporium by Ross MacKenzie.
You are welcome to send your child with their own copy if they would like to follow along at Story Time.
School Trip!
Finally, as part of our Down the Mines topic, we have booked to visit the National Coal Mining Museum on Thursday 26th September. The day will involve workshops, an underground tour and "Human Power to Horsepower!" where in the pony discovery centre, the children will learn about changes to mining over time that have led to ponies and horses being used. They will spend time with the horse-keepers and meet the ponies!
We will be leaving promptly at 8am and our expected return time will be approximately 4.30pm.
Your child will need a packed lunch and a drink on the day. If you require a school packed lunch, please let Mrs Buttery know.
Because of the high cost of coach travel, school have subsidised the cost of the trip, meaning that the cost to you is capped at £20.
Please pay the £20 on Arbor by Wednesday 18th September
Are you able to help us?
In order to make the trip to the National Coal Mining Museum viable, I need some parent helpers (two or three) to come with us. If you think you would be able to spend the day with us, please let me know at the end of the day or via the school office.
We are also hoping to visit the Keyworth Library. This is a lovely opportunity to walk the children to the library; spend some time in the library with the children sharing a story together; and walk the children back to school. When I have arranged a date, I will be in touch. If you think you are able to support with this, please let me know.
Key dates for this half-term:
- Monday 2nd September 2024- Inset- School closed
- Tuesday 3rd September 2024- School opens for all pupils
- Thursday 19th September 2024- KPNS Movie Night
- Friday 20th September 2024- Inset-school closed
- Friday 4th October 2024- Harvest festival assembly
- Friday 11th October- Friends of KPNS Halloween disco
- Monday 14th and Thursday 17th October- Parents' evening
- Half-term - Monday 21 October to Friday 1 November 2024
If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask me at the door when I dismiss the class at the end of the day, or pass on a message to the office.
Enjoy the rest of your week.
Mrs Harris