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Year 2 - Autumn 1 key information

Welcome back! Well, what a fabulous first week it has been in Irwin class! 

The children have settled into new routines really well and demonstrated their readiness for the new year. Myself and Mrs Ahmed are so looking forward to the year ahead with our amazing class.

General reminders and expectations

  • Our PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure a PE kit is in school for the half-term.
  • Please hear your child read at least 3 x a week at home and sign your homeschool book every week. You could even attend reading lair if this suits your routine.
  • For children to remain in their green zone on doodlemaths and doodlespell (this is approximately 30 minutes every week). The children can find their new passwords and logins in the front of their home school book.
  • For children to take part in the Bronze Reading challenges (these can be found at the back of your child’s home school book).

What will my child be learning about this half-term?

We will start the year by diving into our Geography topic: 'Let's Explore the World' by comparing the UK with Tanzania. We will go on a walk around the school grounds and Keyworth to complete our fieldwork studies.

There is a document attached which details a bit of information about what we will be studying this half-term in the different curriculum areas for you to have a look over. 

Class texts - This half-term we will be reading the following books: The Worrysaurus, Coming to England, All are Welcome Here and The First Big Book of Why.

Key dates for this half-term:

  • Thursday 19th September 2024- KPNS Movie Night
  • Friday 20th September 2024- Inset-school closed 
  • Thursday 26th September 2024- School photos
  • Friday 4th October 2024- Harvest festival assembly
  • Friday 11th October- Friends of KPNS Halloween disco
  • Thursday 17th October - Year 2 visit Keyworth library. 2.00-3.00pm (more to follow on this)
  • Monday 14th and Thursday 17th October- Parents' evening 
  • Half-term - Monday 21 October to Friday 1 November 2024


We are really looking forward to the year ahead and have lots of amazing things in store!

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to come and ask us or pass on a message to the office.

Mrs Rowe and Mrs Ahmed