SPRING 1 - Key Information
Welcome back to the first half of Spring term! I hope you had a restful break and are ready for all the exciting things we have planned for you. We are continuing our topic on castles and what life was like as a knight!
What will we be learning about this half-term?
Below, you'll find our History and Science Knowledge Organisers, which outline the key learning for this half-term. Additionally, you’ll see the spelling units we’ll be covering in class.
What are the school homework expectations?
- Reading: Please ensure your child is reading at least 3 times a week at home and that their home-school reading books are signed each week. You’re also welcome to attend Reading Lair to complete this together!
- DoodleMathsl: Children should aim to stay in their Green Zone, which means completing approximately 40 minutes of practice each week.
- Silver Reading Challenge: Encourage your child to work toward their Silver Reading Challenges, which are located at the back of their home-school book.
- Class Blog: Check the class blog regularly to keep up with everything we’re doing in school!
We have started to look at our spelling units in Year 2 and the units we are learning this half-term are attached below.
Year 2 will continue to have PE sessions every Wednesday and Friday afternoon with Miss Robinson. Please ensure your child is prepared with the correct PE kit for each session.
PE Kit includes:
- Red top
- Black shorts or joggers
- Jewellery must be removed, and longer hair should be tied up.
As some PE lessons will take place outdoors, please provide additional layers for colder days. All kits should be clearly named to avoid any mix-ups.
Key dates for your diary:
- Monday 6th January-Children back in school
- Tuesday 21st January-Movie Night
- Wednesday 29th January-Chinese New Year
- Monday 3rd February-Friday 7th February- Childrens' Mental Health Week
- Monday 3rd February-Book week assembly
- Tuesday 11th February-Safer Internet Day
- Friday 14th February-Inset day-School closed
- Monday 17th February- Half term begins
- Monday 24th February- School reopens