Swift Class Perform Poetry (and learn the names of the Tudor Monarchs!)
We have had a busy start to our new term, beginning a new Talk 4 Writing Unit, starting new topics in Science and History, and learning about cryptology in computing. We have also worked really hard to remember everything we learnt before Christmas about fractions and equivalence in order to add and subtract fractions with different denominators.
In English, our new Talk 4 Writing unit is called Ice Forest and we have begun our work with a cold write and then learned a new poem called The House that Became a Forest. We worked in small groups, deciding who would read which section, practising performing the poem as a group, then performing the poem to the rest of the class. Click on the QR codes below to see us performing. Notice how different each performance is!
As an introduction to our new topic Terrible Tudors, we learnt when the Tudor Dynasty began and ended and the names of the six Tudor monarchs.
The children then each created a poster about the monarchs, showing their names, the dates that they reigned and adding a fact about each one.
Try testing your child!
- Which queen only reigned for nine days and what happened to her in the end?
- Who was the first Tudor monarch and who did he defeat to become king?
- Which monarch had 6 wives?
- What was Mary I's nickname?
- Who was the last Tudor monarch and why did the Tudor dynasty come to an end?
- Who succeeded Henry VIII and how old was he when he came to the throne?
A gentle reminder:
Please encourage your child to do their Doodles every day (10 minutes a night is far better than an hour once a week) and to read three times a week. Remember, Reading Lair is open from 8.30 every morning.
PE kits must be in school on a Monday and a Friday.
Melanie Harris