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Year 2, Spring 2 - Key Information

Welcome back to Spring 2. We're ready for an exciting half-term ahead!

Our main topic this half-term is The Victorian Era. During our history lessons we will be learning what jobs children in Victorian times had to do and why, what important inventions were developed during the era and what school life would have been like for a Victorian child! We will handle Victorian artefacts and compare hat life is like now to back then.


Below shows the curriculum map of all the other things the children will be learning about this half-term. Also attached are the spellings we will cover this half-term along with the knowledge organisers for history and science.


Homework Expectations: 

  • Reading: Please ensure your child is reading their phonics book at least 3 times a week at home and that their home-school reading books are signed each week. You’re also welcome to attend Reading Lair to complete this together! 
  • DoodleMaths: Children should aim to stay in their Green Zone, which means completing approximately 40 minutes of practice each week. Personalised Doodle extras are assigned on a weekly basis. 
  • Silver Reading Challenge: Encourage your child to work toward their Silver Reading Challenges, which are located at the back of their home-school book.
  • Class Blog: Check the class blog regularly to keep up with everything we’re doing in school!


General Reminders and Key Dates

Miss Rayns will be joining the Year 2 team and her first day will be the 6th March. This half-term will remain the same routine, with Mrs Rowe in on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and Miss Rayns on a Thursday and Friday. 

- PE remains on Wednesdays and Fridays

  • Thursday 6th March - World Book Day!
  • Monday 10th - 14th March: science week
  • Monday 31st March - Year 2 trip to the church to support our RE learning about Easter
  • Monday 31st March and Thursday 3rd April - Parent's evenings

If you have anything you would like to discuss, I am always happy to listen at the beginning or  end of the school day.