Our Golden Egg Winners!
These children have been recognised by their teachers this week for their superb work in school or at home. Well done- a certificate will be sent to you in the post!
Year 6: Ioannis
Miss Holmes says he has really enjoyed being back in school this week. He has worked extremely hard and picked up where he left off. We have both noticed him interacting with everyone outside and it’s lovely to have him back.
Year 5: James
James - for working super hard throughout lock down and even tackling Year 6 maths activities on MyMaths, what a great way to prepare for next year!
Year 4: Naomi
For all your AMAZING efforts continuing your learning at home. Mrs Betts and I have been super impressed- Well done!
Year 3: Yahia
Yahia you have worked tirelessly on your home learning since closure and it has been fantastic to see the progress you have made over the past few months. I'm always excited to see pictures of your work! Keep it up!
Year 1/2: Leo
For coming back with an amazing attitude and so much enthusiasm. You have been a star!
F2: Leila
For a really positive return to school and a fantastic attitude towards her learning. Well done Leila.
F1: Octavia
For her fantastic attitude to learning and practising her sounds! Well done, we're so proud of you!