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Mrs James

Dear Parents and Carers,

It is with great sadness that we have to let you know that Mrs Joan James, a hugely valued KPNS Teaching Assistant, has recently passed away. Having started working with children at KPNS in 1995, she left her position in our EYFS unit in 2022 to focus on receiving medical treatment - at that point, she was hopeful she would eventually get better and be able to return to a job she dearly loved.

Many children still at Keyworth Primary will have been taught by Mrs James and many local families will have older children who knew her - indeed, some parents of children at our school may have been taught by her. Those that knew her will recall how kind, patient and smiley she was.

Mrs James' funeral will take place on Wednesday 13th September. As a mark of respect, and also to allow staff to attend the funeral, we will be closing school early that day, asking parents to collect children at 2.15pm. For those families that wish to pay their respects to Mrs James, the funeral cortege will pass by the front of KPNS at 2.45pm; parents are invited to stand on the pavement to observe the procession. We do understand that some families may not be able to collect their child at 2.15pm - if you are unable to do so, please complete this form:

Please avoid parking on Nottingham Road on the 13th to allow the funeral cortege to proceed along Nottingham Road without obstruction.

Mrs James has been sorely missed since leaving our school; I am sure you will join us in sending heartfelt condolences to her family.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Cresswell