Dragon's Roar - Welcome Back!
Welcome Back!
I hope you have all had an enjoyable summer and that your children are back into the swing of the life at KPNS, enjoying their lessons and new classes. The children have returned with their customary enthusiasm and energy; they look smart and ready to learn!
On behalf of the whole school community, I would like to welcome the new children and families who have recently joined us here at KPNS.
Book Bags
Could the parents of children in Polar Bears and Elephants please ensure their child has a book bag in school each day to help teachers monitor and change reading books. Book bags are available from the school office for £4.
School Gates and the whistle
You will notice that we now have a member of staff on the back gate and the gate next to the play area on Nottingham Road. This measure has been taken to ensure the security of our school site. The gates will be locked no later than 9.10am each day.
We would also appreciate parents saying their goodbyes before the whistle goes so we can clear the playground quickly and get the children ready to start their learning.
Email and mobile phones
** Very Important ** Please let us know if you change your mobile number or email address. We increasingly rely on these as our primary means of communication so accurate contact details are very important.
Pupil Premium
You may be aware that the government is currently allocating additional funding to schools in the form of ‘The Pupil Premium’. Schools are allocated funding based on the number of:
- Free School Meals
- Looked After children
- Children whose parents have served in the armed forces
Keyworth uses this money to support children’s learning and progress by ensuring good staffing levels, delivering appropriate interventions, and by buying appropriate resources. Occasionally, for those children targeted by the Pupil Premium, we also support some of the costs of extra-curricular activities such as music lessons and school residential trips.
Children in R, Y1 and Y2 all receive free school meals, but do not receive the pupil premium unless parents apply. If you are eligible, it would be very helpful to the school if you apply.
All parents can apply here. If you would like to find out more about the Pupil Premium at KPNS, visit the ‘About Us' section of the website and then click 'Policies and Documents'. Or, pop in for a chat. Alternatively, visit www.education.gov.uk/schools/pupilsupport/premium
When your child arrives late at school, they miss important events like assembly, teacher instructions and lesson introductions. Children also feel embarrassed at having to enter the classroom late.
Frequent lateness can add up to a considerable amount of learning being lost. This can seriously disadvantage your child and disrupt the learning of others. Please help your child to be punctual.
- If a child is late 10 minutes each day it equates to 7 lost teaching days across the year
- 20 minutes late each day equates 70 missed lessons across the year
At Keyworth Primary School we now monitor lateness on an ongoing basis and inform parents if their child is regularly late. Please pop into school if you would like to discuss your child’s attendance
Diary Dates
15th Race for Life. Info to parents will be issued early w/b 11/9/17
17th Crossdale Fun Run
11th Polar Bears and Elephants trip to Beaumanor Hall (Robin Hood Day)
13th Family Harvest Festival – all parents welcome to join us 9-9.45am
20th Whole School 'Wear it Wild' day. More info to follow.
20th Break up for half term
30th INSET day – school closed
31st Back to school – today
17th Children in Need
2nd Christmas Choir – 3pm. Turning lights on in the village
13th Morning Christmas performance
14th Afternoon and evening Christmas performances
15th Whole school Christmas jumper day
22nd Break up for Christmas
8th Back to school today
PTA events to follow. Please check the school website for updates and changes to school dates
Roll of Honour
We want to shout about the achievements of children at KPNS and we love to hear about what they have been doing outside of school. Please contact the school office, preferably by email marked ‘Roll of Honour’, if you would like to share the achievements of your children with the rest of the school community and we will write about it on the website or Dragon’s Roar. For instance, passing ballet exams, raising money at Cubs, winning a football tournament, gaining a swimming badge – anything that the children are super proud about!
Best Wishes,