Home learning wb 25.1.21

Our home learning for this week!
Hello Sweetpeas,
I have been so proud with your third week of home learning, I have loved recieving your home learning work this week and I especially loved recieving your videos of you reading! So, a big thank you to all of you and your adults!
This week I have added phonics links to the learning mat these links are only valid for a week or so due to licences but, if you need to cover the sound again you can always check my blog called 'phonics resources which includes all the phonics sounds and videos you will need!
Please see the learning mat posted below to see the learning for the next week.
During this time, I will continue posting videos and activities to SeeSaw, but will upload the main 'home learning mat' for you to follow each week onto our blog page (right here!)
I have asked for some of these activities to be uploaded to SeeSaw each week so I can see all the hard work you guys are putting in! (this will be written in red).
All relevant documents are labelled by day, subject and grouping- please see these attached to bottom of this blog.
Please stay safe,
Miss Fowell
Parents - please remember that I will be available via email sweetpeas-class@keyworth.notts.sch.uk if you should need any extra support with any of the activities set, as well as being available to respond to your child's messages and questions on SeeSaw (although I will be teaching Key Worker children during school hours).