Welcome to spring 1
Read below to see what we will be learning about this term.
This term our topic is Shang Dynasty. Our big question for this topic will be what was life like during the Shang Dynasty?
This term in RE we are learning about Jewish celebrations. Please can children bring in an object that is special to them on Wednesday 11th January as we will be learning about object and places that are special to Jewish people.
New PE days
Our PE days have changed this term, days will now be Wednesday and Fridays. Please can we ensure that children have their PE kits for these days.
For science this term we are learning all about electricity and how it works, we will learn to make a simple circuit. Our first lesson we will be exploring different electrical appliances and looking at how they work. If anyone one has a remote control car or the game operation feel free to bring it in for our lesson on Tuesday 10th January.
Our class text this term
This term we will be reading The firework makers daughter by Phillip Pullman. Feel free to purchase this book for your child or if they have this book to bring it in to read along.
These are our school expectations.
- To remain in their green zone on doodle maths, doodle spell, and doodle time each week.
- To read 3x a week and to record it in their home school diary.
- For children to have their PE kit every PE session with appropriate shoes.
- For children to complete their silver reading challenge (This can be found at the back of your child’s home school dairy) or their bronze if not yet completed.
Shout out for reading volunteers!
Would you like to play apart in helping children with their reading skills?
We are looking for one or two reading volunteers who would be willing to come into school one afternoon a week to listen to some of Andersen class read.
The day you come in will be up to you! All you need to do is let us know the day and time of afternoon which suits you best, and we will try our best to accommodate this.
In these sessions you will be listening to the children read their books and ask questions related to the story. This will help them develop their fluency and comprehension also counting towards their silver reading awards!
If you are interested in offering your time to support reading at KPNS or know someone who can help, please contact the school office (schooloffice@keyworth.notts.sch.uk).
Thank you.