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Happy Easter!

Well, we've made it!

Obama class have worked incredibly hard this half term and have accomplished a lot.

In History, we continued to explore the Tudors, focussing on Henry VIII, his six wives and his "Great Matter". The children have considered whether or not Henry was a 'bad king' and looked in depth at both him and Anne Boleyn through our Vipers work. They also finished their DT project which was begun last half term - Obama Row - and designed and made their own Tudor Pots!

In Science, we have investigated forces. We explored gravity; air resistance by designing and making our own parachutes; friction by testing cars on a ramp covered with different materials; and water resistance by making boats and propelling them through water with a fan.

In Maths, we have covered fractions, decimals and percentages, whilst in English we have written a news report about a “Rocketeer Rescue”, and then wrote our own version based on a Dodo in a road bringing all the traffic in Keyworth to a halt!


Starting immediately after the Easter Holidays, Obama Class will have a swimming lesson every Thursday afternoon for six weeks. They will be walking to the swimming pool with Miss Adams at 1.50pm each week.

To enable this to happen, we need a volunteer to go with us each week. Please contact the school office or catch me if you are able to help with this. I can organise a rota so the burden doesn't fall on one person.

Guidance for swimming:

  • Your child will need a swimming costume with them otherwise they cannot participate in the swimming session. For girls this must be a swimsuit (no bikinis or tankinis) and for boys, trunks (not swimming shorts).
  • They will also need a towel.
  • No earrings at all. If the children come with them in, staff can't take them out and they will not be able to swim. 
  • Long hair must be tied up - a bun is preferable as long ponytails impede the arm movement in the water.
  • If they use an inhaler, this should be put with their kit. They must have their inhaler with them in order to go swimming.
  • If they wear goggles, please drop me a quick note stating that you give permission for this.
  • Children will need to be able to get changed within 5 minutes so they can have time in the pool.  If they are not great at this, please practise with them over the holidays.
  • Whilst the children are having swimming lessons in school, it would be great if you can find time during the weekend or evenings to take them as a family so that they are building their confidence. 

Please note:

Please do not send your child to school wearing their swimming costume: this makes going to the toilet during the day complicated and often results in them having no underwear to put on when they come out of the water!!

The children are incredibly tired at the end of a long and very busy term for all of us. However, if you are able to keep Doodles and Reading "ticking over", I would be very grateful. 10 minutes reading every day relaxes the mind and is proven to help de-stress. 10 minutes a day of Doodles will keep them in the green zone.

It only remains for me to wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter.

Mrs Harris.