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Farewell Obama Class!

Well, we made it to the end!

Obama Class - you have been a joy to teach this year. We've had lots of fun together, but you've also all worked so hard.

In this final week, you've continued to work hard, completing your final warm write, designing and making an Egyptian Death Mask, playing rounders with Year 6 and performing the Wizard of Oz three times!

You are truly ready for the next stage in your journey through KPNS and I wish you all the very best of luck for your final year. I know that Miss Hopwood is looking forward to working with you.

Thank you so much for all the lovely cards and gifts, and the beautiful picture you created together for me. It will join Hawking Class's picture from last year in pride of place on my desk.

I hope you have a wonderful Summer Break and come back rested and refreshed.

Mrs Harris