Miss Sturman's research project
Hello Everyone! Miss Sturman here.
I am conducting a research project through the University of Nottingham and I am seeking your permission to take a look at your child’s phonics data.
The purpose of my study is to explore teacher’s perspectives on the impact of lockdown on phonics development and part of my study will be looking at Year 1 phonics data completed between March 2020 and March 2021.
I have handed out an information sheet and consent form today and would be really grateful if you could give this a read. There is a further information sheet attached if you require some more information. Should you wish your child to take part, please sign and return the consent form by Friday 14th May.
You do not have to give your consent for me to use your child’s data and should you wish to give your consent today, you can withdraw this at any time throughout the study.
I am more than happy to answer any of your questions.
Thank you,
Miss Sturman 😊