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Welcome to a new term!

Welcome to a brand new year!


Welcome back to the Autumn term! It’s always so exciting to start the new school year with new, eager children who are ready to learn and take on a new academic year!

We will be learning lots of exciting things and this half-term’s curriculum information can be found as an attachment at the bottom of the blog (we'll be looking at extreme weather!!). In Maths, on a Monday- Wednesday Miss Waugh will be supporting our Maths lessons and, on a Thursday, and Friday Miss Groves will be supporting Maths sessions. Every Thursday afternoon the children will have a lesson with Mrs Garner and Miss Robinson.

Here are the school expectations for your child:

- To be reading at least 3 x a week at home and for home schoolbooks to be signed every week. You could even attend reading lair to do this!

- For children to remain in their green zone on doodlemaths and doodlespell (this is approximately 40 minutes every week).

- Year 3’s take part in swimming in the Autumn term every Thursday afternoon and a PE session with Miss Robinson on a Friday afternoon. It is important these kits are labelled and brought in so your child can take part in these activities. If you would like your child to wear goggles a permission letter from you must be given to School before these sessions.

- For children to take part in the Bronze Reading challenges (these can be found at the back of your child’s home school book).

- Checking the class blog regularly to see what we’re doing in school.


We have also updated our behaviour policy (which can be found in an attachment below) and our attendance policy: Keyworth Primary and Nursery School - Updates to Attendance Procedures

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask me or pass on a message to the office.


I’m looking forward to seeing you all very soon!


Take care,

Miss Fowell