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What have we been doing in Year 3?


Year 3  have made a great start to our new topic' Why do earthquakes happen, and volcanoes erupt?' We have enjoyed learning about what happens when the Earth shakes?  What is a volcano?  and what happens when a volcano erupts?

As part of Anti-bullying week this week, we have talked about what bullying is, the different forms of bullying and who to 'reach out to' when we need support. We have learnt that bullying is intentional, harmful and it is repetitive. Following this we responded to scenarios and we wrote down who we would 'reach out to' if we or someone else was getting bullied. The children's  wonderful work will also help form and create part of a display this half-term!


This week and last, we started practising our sewing skills, so we can make a draw string bag for an archaeologist. The children have enjoyed this lots so if you have the opportunity to practise this at home that would be fantastic (we have been using blunt needles, thick thread and felt). If you think you can offer help on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon please let us know!


In Literacy, children who are in phonics and 'get writing sessions' have worked hard on their specific sounds, using their sounds in sentences and writing sentences based on their books for the week. In my Literacy sessions, we have been working hard on creating an adventure narrative based on 'The Secret of Black Rock' and learnt how to use expanded noun phrases, alliteration and direct speech this week. 


Over the past month, we have been looking at addition and subtraction and using the column methods to help solve addition problems. This week, we have started to look at multiplication and division. Please keep in the green zone on doodle maths to help consolidate the learning taken place in school. This enables your child to gain greater confidence in their Maths' lessons and make even more progress. It would also be fantastic if they ensure they know their 2, 5 and 10 timetables as well as beginning to learn the 3, 4 and 8 timestables. 

In the next few weeks we will be expecting a visitor from BGS to show us real life fossils and talk about how people survive in areas where volcanoes and earthquakes are common.


Christmas Show
A letter about costumes for the Christmas show was sent home this week. More details about how to book your ticket will be passed out soon. 

Costumes for Year 3: 

Please bring costumes in to school by Monday 5th December so we can join in with whole school dress rehearsals.  
Dates for performances: Tuesday 13th December 9.30am and Wednesday 14th December 2pm and 6.30pm

As always, please keep on top of reading 3x a week at home to support learning in school. We are starting to see Ali class completing their doodles and remaining in their green zone more, so keep it up!

Thank you for your support