What have we been doing in year 3?
What have we been doing in Year 3 over the past week?
We've had a busy few weeks in Year 3 from writing holiday brochures about Skara Brae to creating Stone Age paintings as a class. The children have had lots of fun and learnt lots! I'm sure many have been sharing their Stone Age facts with you!
Year 3 have also topped the doodle leader board recently which is fantastic as our hard work had not gone unnoticed! Please keep completing your doodles and remaining in your green zone. Little and often is best and regular doodling contributes positively towards your child's progress in school. Please also ensure you are recording your reading with your child in your home school book and reading at least 3 x a week. Please let us know if you require support with this.
So... what have we been doing?
In Maths, we have been working hard on learning our timetables as well as starting our new unit on length and perimeter. The children have been able to tell me how many millimetres are in a centimetre and how many centimetres make a metre! I've added lots of doodlemaths extras so if the children could work on these first it will help consolidate their learning from recent and previous lessons.
In History, this week we learnt about the Neolithic age, this is the period of time when people began to build their own houses and farm. To learn more about what life was like during this period of history we hotseated characters, this included people who would fight over farming land, people who became ill due to living so close to animals and people who were craftsmen/women.
In Science, we have been continuing our work on 'light and shadows' and recently learnt that shadows are created when an object blocks a light source. We learnt that opaque objects create the best shadows because light can not transfer through them.
In Art so far we've looked at cave paintings from over 2.6 million years ago! We learnt about famous paintings that have been found in Bayeux, France by a group of boys on their adventures. We created our own using our knowledge of colours, materials and drew animals and stick people similar to the Stone Age People! This was also a lovely collaborative activity where the children bonded and used their communication skills.