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Welcome back to Spring 2! Who first lived in Britain?

Welcome back to Spring 2! Find out about our new topic and residential dates...

Welcome back to the second part of the Spring term!

I hope you are all feeling refreshed after the holidays!

We will be learning lots of exciting things and this half-term’s curriculum information and the knowledge organiser can be found as an attachment at the bottom of the blog (we'll be looking at the second part of our topic-the Brilliant Bronze Age and the indestructible Iron Age).  Looking at the knowledge organisers can be incredibly useful as it helps consolidate your child's learning and enable your child to feel confident in lessons.

What is our class text for this half-term?

Last half-term we focused on the books 'The Great Cave & The Great Flood by Terry Deary.  This half-term we will be focusing on the class ‘Iron Man’ by Ted Hughes. Feel free to purchase a copy if you are able to.

Here are the school expectations for your child:

- To be reading at least 3 x a week at home and for home schoolbooks to be signed every week. You could even attend reading lair to do this!

- For children to remain in their green zone on doodlemaths and doodlespell (this is approximately 40 minutes every week).

- For children to work on their Silver Reading challenges (these can be found at the back of your child’s home school book).

- Checking the class blog regularly to see what we’re doing in school.


Swimming/Outdoor learning

You would have received a text before half term to inform you whether your child will be going swimming after half-term or doing outdoor learning on a Thursday afternoon.

If your children went swimming recently they will be doing PE and outdoor learning when they go back every Thursday. Please see the form that was sent out below regarding outdoor learning and what will be needed..

If your child did outdoor learning before half-term your child will be going swimming this half term. Please see our swimming blog on our class blog if you would like to remind your children of what to expect and reminders: click here and

PE for both groups of children will be on a Thursday.


Residential Information

For our Year 3 residential, we will be taking the children to Beaumanor Hall on the 21st- 22nd March. Please the original letter that was sent out in September below for payment information.

There will also be a parent information evening with both myself and Mrs King on 27th February 2023 in the Year 3 classroom at 3.30pm, so you can receive a full itinerary and break down of the trip. 


Upcoming Dates for the Diary:

21/02/23- Y1 Phonics Screen Parent Information Meeting (15:30 in Y1 Classroom)

23/02/23- Key Stage 1 Movie Night

24/02/ 23- Key Stage 2 Movie Night

27/02/23-Year 3 Residential Meeting for Parents (15:30 in Y3 Classroom).

2/03/23- World Book Day!

10/03/23- Year 5 Class Assembly

WB 13/03/23- Science Week!

21/03/23- 22/03/23- Year 3 Residential

24/03/23- FoKPNS Neon School Disco.

27/03/23- Parents’ Evening

29/03/23- Parents’ Evening

30/03/23- Equals Trust Concert at Albert Hall


If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to ask me or pass on a message onto the office.


I’m looking forward to seeing you all very soon!


Take care,

Miss Fowell