What journey does water take?
What have we been learning about?
Here is a snippet of our learning so far:
In Geography this week as part of our 'Go with the Flow' topic we have been learning about the journey of water.
We learnt that the journey of a river starts at the source and ends at the river mouth whereby water enters the sea. We used our model and were able to discuss the stages of the journey in great detail, we also looked at this diagram below:
We watched part of Pocahontas and learnt about the journey she takes, and the children were able to name the key parts of the journey:
In Science, we have started our 'plants' topic we have been learning about what plants need to survive: air, nutrients, water, space to grow and light. We have also been learning about parts of a plant and their function:
In Maths this week we have been finalising our topic on fractions and looking at fractions of an object the children have been working brilliantly at this. Over the next few weeks we will be moving onto money and time so if the children could practice this at home with you, it will benefit them greatly in lessons. Don't forget to have a go at the extras on doodlemaths as it will help the children reinforce the learning.
In Literacy, some of the children have been working hard in their phonics groups and some have been looking at the book 'Once upon a raindrop' to help guide our writing on the water cycle. The children have enjoyed practising parts of the water cycle through using our non-fiction map.