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What has Thunberg class been up to ?

Read below to find out what the year 4 has been busy doing.

What a strong start  y4 have had so far. They have been very busy learning lots of new topics as well as getting settled into year 4.


Recently, in Thunberg class, we finished writing our biography all about Greta Thunberg. The children have really enjoyed learning all about who she is and her achievements and have produced some beautiful work. Here are some examples:

This week we have started a new suspense topic and have been looking at how we act when we feel certain ways to help us create a bank of words for our future story, as well as create a poem.  The year 4 had some excellent facial expressions!

Here is an example of one of the children's poems;


In Maths, we have been busy learning all about place value, looking at numbers to 10,000 as well as learning some of our times tables. Please can we ensure that we are supporting children with their learning in school and completing our doodle extras and practising our times tables on doodle times  each day, as this is one of year 4 homework expectations.



In Geography, we have been busy exploring all the important areas of our world using maps as well as learning what the Great Barrier Reef is and where it is on a map. Additionally, to this we have some new addition to the Thunberg Class - SEA Monkeys!!! The year 4 have been watching them grow as well as following their Keyworth code and caring for them.


Recently, in science, we have started looking at different groups of animals and how they can be grouped, as well as looking at the 7 life process that all living things do.


In Art, recently we have been looking at the artist Paul Klee and his artwork around landscape artwork and bold water colour. Using what we learnt, we explored using water colour to see what colour we would use in an ocean landscape painting.


We have now finished reading Greta Thunberg and have begun reading The songs of Dolphin Boy.

School council 

I am also happy to announce that the children in Thunberg class have voted for Katie and William G to be our school council representatives this year. I'm sure they will do an excellent job!