Y4 became Anglo-Saxons and Viking for the day!
Read below to find out what Thunberg class got up to at Perlethorpe.
Thunberg's class had an amazing day learning all about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings and how they lived. We started the day by arriving at Perlethorpe and meeting our Anglo-Saxon leader, who transformed the children into Anglo-Saxons, giving them a tunic and a new name with meaning, such as "protectors" and "navigators". Once they had become Anglo-Saxons, we then walked to an Anglo-Saxon hut where the Chieftain narrated the timeline of the Anglo-Saxons using murals on the walls of the house. After this, the children had to find 10 locations using the mystical Danelaw Map to unlock the secret of the runes.
After lunch, we transformed into Vikings and made our way toward the Viking hut where, guided by the resident, Perlethorpe, we travelled back in time to a small Viking settlement! While we were there, we listened to tales and learnt about Viking life firsthand, as well as dressed up as Vikings. After that, we divided into different groups to take part in Viking-themed activities and examine historical artefacts.
Here are some photos from our fun-packed day at Keyworth Primary and Nursery School - Y4 Anglo-Saxon and Viking day.