Autumn 2 - Key Information
Brilliant Biomes
Welcome Back!
This week has been a busy one. We’ve started new topics in Science and RE and also began exploring Sea Shanties in music. I have attached a curriculum map for your information.
Our topic this term is Brilliant Biomes! Exploring plant and animal life in different parts of the world, we will be focussing particularly closely on the Savannah Grasslands and Deserts as well as the biome in which we live - the Temperate Deciduous Forest Biome. I have attached a Knowledge Organiser for Brilliant Biomes to help you understand and perhaps talk about with your child.
In English, we have started a Talk 4 Writing Unit called The Forest Sprite which is a great information text with lots of lovely language. As part of this, the children will be designing and writing about their own elf, sprite or goblin. Parts of our writing units will be closely linked to our Biomes topic as well.
In Maths, we continue with addition and subtraction before progressing onto multiplication and division and then fractions. As I discussed with you all at Parents’ Evening, this means that times tables are absolutely crucial. Please support your child with this by using Doodles – there is a times tables area that they can use.
On the subject of Doodles, spelling and maths homework for this week is online now. Please encourage your child to spend 10 minutes daily doing their Doodles rather than huge chunks once a week. Also, a reminder that we expect them to read a minimum of 3 times a week. Reading Lair is open daily from 8.30 to help with this.
PE this term continues to be on a Monday and a Friday. Please ensure that your child has the appropriate kit. PE kit is a red T-shirt, black shorts and plimsolls or trainers. It is important their kits are labelled and brought in on Monday, so that your child can take part in these activities.
Finally, a big well done to Swift Class. They’ve returned to school with a positive attitude to their learning and have settled back into our class routines quickly. This means that they have earned lots of Golden Tickets. Keep it up, Swifties!
Have a lovely weekend.
Melanie Harris