A Great First Week Back!

Swift class have had a wonderful first week back, settling straight back into their learning and showing great focus and application.
We have begun our new Talk for Writing Unit - Rocketeer Rescue - and explored a poem by Pie Corbett entitled Seven Ways of Looking at the Moon. (Scan the QR codes below to see our performance of this lovely poem).
We have also started a new maths unit, focusing back on Fractions once again. Additionally, we had the first of a new set of lessons linked to our Anti Racism project, reading the beautiful book Sulwe by Lupita Nyong'o. (For more information about this project - read the following blog - https://www.keyworth.notts.sch.uk/news/?pid=3&nid=1&storyid=3629)
Take a look at some of the class's reflections below.
Thursday afternoon saw the class building wooden frames to begin to create their Tudor Houses and, on Friday, we explored Morse Code and Caesar cyphers.
Congratulations to Dolly, Liana and Kai on well-deserved Golden Eggs.
Keep up the good work Swifties!
Mrs Harris