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A new DoodleMaths Challenge Starts Today!

Get Doodling!!

From TODAY we are starting our Doodlemaths streak challenge. Children will now achieve a special certificate in assembly when they reach the markers of 50/100/200/365 days streaks. If they doodle every day for 50 days, they will achieve their 50-day certificate on the 29th of October. 

We know that doodling little and often helps the children remember what they have been learning and supports them in becoming more confident. Hopefully, this little incentive will encourage more children to doodle every day. :-) 

What happens if my child misses a day?

Don't worry, they can do 2 lots on the second day. If you miss 2 days in a row, your streak starts from 0 and they will receive their certificate when they get to 50. 


What happens if my child already has a streak? 

If your child has already got a streak going, fear not, we took a note of the number they are on so we will know when they get to 50!