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Y4- Stan Lee Class


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  • n n night monkey and d d day monkey!

    Published 19/11/20, by Sara Lindley

    We are now moving into our new topic area about "Can I switch it on'

    As the nights are drawing in and it is getting dark outside we are having to turn on those lights earlier and earlier.

    As part of our maths within this topic this week we  will be talking to the children about time. Beginning simply with the concept of ' night' and 'day'.

    Our story this week is Night Monkey and Day Monkey written by Julia Donaldson.

    This story is also going to help introduce the nnnnn sound and ddddd sound found in a lot of the cvc words the children are starting to blend.

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  • Quiet for the Queen!

    Published 13/11/20, by Sara Lindley

    Whether you are with us at school or learning from home at the moment, use this blog so we will all be learning together!

    Our story this week is going to help the children learn about the letter q! So all quiet for the queen and lets follow her on her chase to try and get her hat back! Watch the video below to see the actual author of the book itself tell us the story.



    We will be using our RWI sound card to reinforce the letter q in all of the activities throughout the week.

    For children who are already familiar with the sound q we will be talking about how it usually has our letter from last week  'u' coming right after it. Then we will look at the next sound that comes in queen.  'ee'  - What can you see?


    Click here to visit the cBeebies alphabet song library and scroll down to the letter 'q'

    Or let the Alphablocks help you build up a couple of 'qu' words.



    Our rhyme for the week is 'The Queen of Hearts.' We will learn the rhyme and talk about what traditional rhymes mean. We have had a couple of traditional rhymes over the past term that have prompted discussions with the children with the way things happened at the time of the songs being written.

    Our classroom and outdoor area might look a little different next week as we will be putting up pictures of the London Landmarks that the queens sees on her travels! The children will have to make themselves some sight seeing binoculars so see what they can see.  Can they rescue the Queens hat! Our climbing frame might even turn into Big Ben with a bell and a clock!


    We will be building lots of towers and bridges next week too as we are investigating the maths concept of one more and one less! Who is going to make the tower with the most blocks? Can you use the 3D wooden blocks to make a bridge you can drive under?

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  • Dojo Reward points

    Published 11/11/20, by Sara Lindley

    You may have heard the children talk about their “Dojo” points recently so we thought we would give you a little information about these funny little creatures


    We have created a character for each child in the Foundation unit as a way of rewarding positive behaviour. When we have noticed the children doing something positive and they have shown that they are a good role model to the rest of the class, we ask them to press on their dojo character.


    They are then shown a list of skills and we reinforce how well they have done by pressing the skill they have used. It then adds points onto their own personal Dojo.

    At the moment the children are just enjoying the experience of getting a Dojo point. There may be certain times in the year where we set challenges to reach  a certain number of points.


    We have decided to do that over the next half term in fact! We have added an extra little character to our class. He is called Sleepy Head!

    Lots of the mums and dads have been letting us know that they have been having long nights where their children have had trouble sleeping. As parents too,  we remember those days (some of us are still going through them!) We wanted to see if we could help, even if it was just a small gesture. 


    Sometimes having a little incentive from school can just give parents a tactic, helping them to persuade their little ones to go to bed.


    We had a chat with the children and talked to them about the reasons why they needed a good night's sleep. We talked about how they need to sleep if they want to grow strong and healthy. The children themselves said that they are often grumpy and tired if they have not had a good day and can sometimes end up getting into trouble. We also talked about how mummies and daddies also need a good night sleep so being woken up doesn’t help them be in a good mood!


    So as an incentive we said that if they had had a good night’s sleep, the grown up they come to school with could just quietly let Mrs Boon, Mrs Lindley or Mrs Gerrard know, either in person or send us a message on Tapestry, then at some point in the day we would take their child aside to let them put a Dojo point onto Sleepy Heads character. We reminded the children that it has to be the grown-ups that tell us not them! When Sleepy head has reached the grand total of 100 points, we will arrange for a mini pyjama party one afternoon!


    We are going to keep this reward quite low key as we are always very careful not to build up children’s expectations that they will get a reward every time they do something correctly. We want them to understand that feeling proud when they reach a goal is also a reward in itself.  

    However, as it has been a difficult year and so many of you have mentioned sleeping as a cause for concern we thought we would try to support all of your efforts!


    If you want further information about bed-time routines that can help, here is one link that may be of assistance. Let us know if you want to have a more detailed chat.



    One other Dojo incentive we will be introducing next week – Show and tell Dojo!

    If you have uploaded something from home on your child’s Tapestry Journal, then we will give them a ‘Something from home’ Dojo and give them some “Show and Tell’ time where they can talk about their achievement or activity.

    Let us know if you are having any trouble with your child’s Tapestry account so we can get you all connected.


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  • U U Ugly 5!!!

    Published 07/11/20, by Sara Lindley

    As the weather is definitely getting more wintery we decided to finish off out Autumn Topic by comparing meadows from around the world. 

    It is amazing how many different types of meadows there are and the creatures that you see in them especially if they are the U U Ugly 5!

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  • Back with the letter bbbb for the witches boots and broom!

    Published 01/11/20, by Sara Lindley

    Welcome b b b b b b back!

    This week as the children are probably still thinking about Halloween and bonfire night is on its way.  We are going to have 'Room on the Broom' as our story focus this week.

    If you haven't got this story to read with your child, then watch this video.



    or you can click here and you will be taken to the  BBCiPlayer to watch the longer animated tale.

    We will be looking at the witches b b boots as a way of linking it to our RWI letter of the week 'b'

    Down the boot, back up and around the laces!

    We will be sorting out our school wellington boot collection into matching pairs and painting a beautiful matching set of boots for the busy witch to wear!

    We will be watching  Evie and Dodge learn about the letter b and we will go on a letter b hunt around the classroom. Why not have a letter b hunt at home too and send us a photo of the things you find by adding an observation on your Tapestry journal. We love to see the things you do at home!



    We will be learning a simple song about the story too. Here is the video that gave us the inspiration but we will try and make our own video  and swap it over so you can see us all singing along!



    For children who are already familiar with the letter b we will be extending  their learning by looking at the 'oo' sound used in 'room on the broom'

    To support this we will also be looking at the stories of "Poo at the Zoo" and Dear Zoo.

    Poo at the Zoo is also the phrase that we say to help the children remember the digraph 'oo' (a digraph is when two letters join together to make one new sound) 

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  • CONFIRMED CV-19 case in Foundation Unit

    Published 19/10/20, by Peter Cresswell

    Date: 19/10/2020


    -If your child attended the Foundation Unit at Keyworth Primary on Thursday or Friday (15th or16th October),  he/she will need to self isolate for 14 days, until Friday 30th October.

    -Other family members in your house DO NOT need to self-isolate unless you child develops symptoms.

    -You DO NOT need to book a test for your child unless he / she develops symptoms.

    -Please read the detailed information below and let us know if you have any questions - you can email using 

    Best regards,

    Mr Cresswell


    Advice for Child to Self-Isolate for 14 Days 

    Dear parent or carer,

    We have been made aware that we have a confirmed positive case of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Keyworth Primary School in the Foundation Unit.

    We have followed the national guidance and have identified that any children who attended the Foundation Unit on Thursday 15th or Friday 16th October have been in close contact with the affected person. In line with the national guidance your child must stay at home and self-isolate until Friday 30th October 2020.

    If your child is well at the end of the 14 days period of self-isolation, then they can return to usual activities.

    Other members of your household can continue normal activities provided your child does not develop symptoms within the 14 day self-isolation period.

    Please see the link to: Guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person

    What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19

    If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for testing and this can be arranged via or by calling 119 . 

    People who do not have symptoms should not request a test unless this has been specifically requested by Public Health England or the local authority.

    All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days. This includes anyone in your ‘Support Bubble’.

    The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.

    Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home. If you require help with buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, or walking a dog, you should ask friends or family. Alternatively, you can order your shopping online and medication by phone or online.

    Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community

    If you are able can, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period

    Please see the link to the PHE ‘Stay at Home’ Guidance:

    Symptoms of COVID 19

    The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:

    • new continuous cough and/or
    • high temperature and/or
    • a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)

    For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.

    If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from the website at If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.

    How to stop COVID-19 spreading

    There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19


    • wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
    • use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
    • wash your hands as soon as you get home
    • cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
    • put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards

    Further Information

    Further information is available at

    Yours sincerely

    Peter Cresswell



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  • Important Update - CV-19

    Published 19/10/20, by Peter Cresswell

    We have been informed today that someone in the Foundation unit began to feel poorly with covid-19 symptoms on Saturday and had a test on Sunday. Although the result hasn't come back yet, we wanted to let parents know because the person in question lives with 2 other people that had positive test results returned on Sunday – this seems to increase the likelihood of this being a case of Covid-19.  As such, we felt parents would want to know so they can be extra vigilant about social distancing and monitoring any potential symptoms in their households.

    We will let you know the result of the test asap. If it is positive, we will consult with Public Health England and inform you of their advice, which may include keeping your children in self-isolation.

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  • P P P Plenty of fun with the letter P

    Published 14/10/20, by Sara Lindley

    Take a look at how busy the Meadow class have been investigation lots of objects starting with the letter p!

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  • Bronze Reading awards in the Meadow Class

    Published 14/10/20, by Sara Lindley

    At the moment the F2 children have had their new reading diaries and have started to enjoy getting stickers for the last few weeks every time they have read. F1 children will be getting their reading diaries after half term and they too can earn their Bronze Award!

    Delve a little deeper into your child's diary and you will find information about how your child can get their school Bronze Reading Award.

    Stuck on the green card in your child's reading diary after all of the information pages is a page with lots of robots on.

    Take a look at some of the skills underneath each robot. These are the skills the children need to show they have used a few times in order for them to get their Bronze Award.

    A grown up from home or school can put a tick or a cross in the numbered circles each time they have noticed your child using that skill. When all three of the circles for that skill have been marked in and your child has been noticed using those skills at school they will get an extra special robot sticker from Mrs Lindley to stick over the robot face for the skill they have completed.

    When every robot skill has been completed they will be sent to Mrs King to receive their Special School Bronze Reading award.

    The robot page is for the Autumn term so there are another couple of months to have a go at getting those skills coloured in.

    We will have a different sticker theme for the Spring term and move the skills on to get a silver award.

    Please message us or ask after school if you need any further information about our sticker rewards.

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  • p p p pirates and pumpkins!

    Published 10/10/20, by Sara Lindley

    Our letter of the week is the letter P -   p p p p pirate.

    Down the pirates plait, back up and around his face.

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  • Have you been spotted......Setting a good example?

    Published 10/10/20, by Sara Lindley

    The Meadow class have all been settling in together over the last few weeks.

    For a lot of the children it has been their first experience of being in school for longer periods of time.

    We wanted to share some of the photos that we will be putting on one of our display boards this week.

    Have you been spotted.............................doing something amazing in the classroom and setting a really good example.

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  • Party in the rainforest

    Published 07/10/20, by Wendy Boon

    A Party in the Rainforest

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