Bronze Reading awards in the Meadow Class
At the moment the F2 children have had their new reading diaries and have started to enjoy getting stickers for the last few weeks every time they have read. F1 children will be getting their reading diaries after half term and they too can earn their Bronze Award!
Delve a little deeper into your child's diary and you will find information about how your child can get their school Bronze Reading Award.
Stuck on the green card in your child's reading diary after all of the information pages is a page with lots of robots on.
Take a look at some of the skills underneath each robot. These are the skills the children need to show they have used a few times in order for them to get their Bronze Award.
A grown up from home or school can put a tick or a cross in the numbered circles each time they have noticed your child using that skill. When all three of the circles for that skill have been marked in and your child has been noticed using those skills at school they will get an extra special robot sticker from Mrs Lindley to stick over the robot face for the skill they have completed.
When every robot skill has been completed they will be sent to Mrs King to receive their Special School Bronze Reading award.
The robot page is for the Autumn term so there are another couple of months to have a go at getting those skills coloured in.
We will have a different sticker theme for the Spring term and move the skills on to get a silver award.
Please message us or ask after school if you need any further information about our sticker rewards.