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Welcome Wednesday - Robots and Rockets

We wanted to do a Robot parade for the parents so here are the ones we have made so far!

Thank you so much for eating your beans and rummaging in your drawers for interesting pieces of metal to create these wonderful robots!

The children were fascinated by making the robots and instructed Mrs Gibaldi with her glue gun!

If any of the children did not manage to bring in their tins but would like to still make a robot - send a tin in with a few bits and bobs that we can stick on. We will try to make them before we finish for Christmas.

During our rrrrrrr robot week we also launched a rrrrrrr rocket! 

Unfortunately we did not manage to capture the squeals and excitement each time the rocket flew into the air because every time it shot into the air it made us jump so much that we never managed to get it on video!  

We used a foot pump and just air and water. The children did a countdown which usually lasted about 30 pumps of the pump and then whoosh! it flew higher than the school building!

Here is a video from the company that make the rocket so you know what we did.



Here are more of the robots in their own little gallery.