Wb 18.01.21 Ideas for home and school learning
At a time when we are all apart this story is tells us about a little polar bear who hasn't got anyone to play with. His only friend is a snow cloud!
We are going to try something a little new this week - talk for writing. This is when you talk the story through so that you remember it really well! Then, when it comes to writing something about the story you can remember some of the actions, reminding you of what happened. Watch this video and have a go together at home or school. What props would you make? Can you draw some pictures to help you remember the story? What would you write under each of your pictures?
For our phonics this week -
For our single sounds this week we are going to look at the letter 'b' (for boots and bears!) and 'c' (for caterpillars and clouds) as well as reinforcing the 's' from last week. Visit Evie and Dodge as well as the alphabet songs to help remember these sounds.
We found out about the letter s last week but sometimes it is next to another letter that makes it sound a little different. Not quite a special friend as we can still hear both of the letters but a 'consonant blend' sl, sn, st, sp, sm,
Here are a couple more videos about consonant blends
For the F2 digraphs (special friends) this week we are looking at the sounds 'ow' - blow the snow as well as 'ay' - may I play
Signs, symbols and rhyme for the week
For our maths each day click here to be taken to the Alive in 5 week 3
Watch Miss Cooper run through the maths concepts and then have a look at each activity that will reinforce what has been taught in the videos. This week she will be looking at
How about a friendship challenge this week. We know that we cannot all be with our friends as much at the moment. Why not record a message or draw a picture for a friend in Meadow class, put it on your tapestry journal and we will share it with your friend for you!
Or why not take part in an action rhyme to get you doing some winter exercise!
As part of our daily exercise we could take walk down the street - a musical one! click the link below to go to the Oak National Academy resources
A musical walk down your street
The first adventure of this unit will take you on a journey around your neighbourhood. We will be using singing games to explore beat, note duration and rhyme. In this lesson, we will take part in our first imaginative listening activity. We will listen to a piece of music called "Promenade: Walking the Dog" by George Gershwin.
Miss Robinson has also sent us a couple of PE challenges too. I have attached them at the bottom of the blog for a more detailed look.
How about a bit of science and exploration? click here to find out how to make a snowstorm in a jar. Or freeze water in a rubber glove then drip hot water over it to watch it melt before your eyes! Can you make an ice boat and then sing our rhyme for the week?
Other ideas to get you thinking