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Jump and Shout during Sports Week!

Our story this week is inspired by SPORTS WEEK!!!! The F2 children are taking part in several of the main school activities and having some sporty fun of our own too. The F2' s will then teach the F1 children some of their new skills!

The story  is read by the author himself this week.

Our sign of the week is 'jump'

You can simply jump up and down or you can jump on and off things!

Our phonics is prompted by our story this week we are going to look at the single sound 'j' for jumping Jack. Then we are also going to start looking at the middle short 'u' sound found in simple cvc words like cup, fun.


Visit Evie and dodge and see which objects they choose for the letters 'j' and 'u'?

What objects will they sing about in the alphabet songs

During our letter j week and linked to moving around the children are going to be set the challenge of making a j j jack in a box and learning the song that goes with it.

For the children ready for their digraphs we will be reminding ourselves that when 'n' and 'g' are together they make the special friends 'ng' which is often found at the end of action words like jumping and shouting! We will also be learning the special friends 'ou' shout it out!


The F2's are also going to have another look at those tricky words!

Our maths this week is all about sharing things out fairly and into equal groups.

We are looking closely at the different ways we can make the number 7 or 17.



During SPORTS WEEK!!! let's get our bodies moving.