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Welcome Summer 1!

Welcome back, and I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break!

This week we will be starting our new topic Splendid Skies and in this topic we will be taking a deeper look into seasonal changes and exploring weather around the world. We have been very lucky recently to enjoy the lovely sunshine and hopefully this will stick around for a little longer. 
There is still time for you to complete some home learning activities for this topic and I have attached a few ideas (along with some interesting facts!) at the bottom of the blog. 

I have attached the topic cover letter where you will find more details about this topic and our weekly spellings for the half-term. We will continue with our spelling quiz on a Friday and will have a weekly spelling session on a Wednesday. 

Please continue reading with your child at least 3 times a week and record this in their home-school diaries. We are now working towards our gold reading awards so make sure you mark these off in the back of your diaries too. I have been over the moon with your efforts on Doodle Maths over the Easter holidays, and I am pleased to tell you that we have been the top doodlers in the whole school for three weeks! Keep up the amazing work. 

Phonics Screener
Towards the end of June, all Year 1 children across the country will be taking part in a phonics screener. Please keep an eye out for more information on this in the upcoming weeks. 


As always, if you have any questions give me a shout, and I'll help where I can. 

Take Care, Miss Sturman